“As an organization tasked with the Personal Safety of CEO’s, Ultra High Net Worth Individuals, Royalty, and members of the Diplomatic Corp, CASS Global is not in a position to work with anything but the absolute top tier of parallel service providers. The stakes are simply too high. We engage directly with Scott’s K9 for the straightforward reason that they are the absolute best in their respective niche. The easiest way to expound on this is simply to state that everything they touch works, all the time. We’ve had zero negative feedback from clients who are referred to Scott’s K-9 by us. Due to our operating parameters, our relationship with our handful of partners is a critical part of our modus operandi. To that end, Steve and his team emerged the unanimous choice after an exhaustive vetting and testing process. In the years since then, we have never had any reason to regret our decision. Like us, Scott’s K9’s is easy to work with, direct, and accountable for their actions. Our clients are invariably pleased as Steve exceeds performance expectations on practically every occasion. CASS Global ponders long and hard before drafting reference letters such as this one, for one’s level of Corporate excellence is directly tied to those one associates with. In the case of Scott’s K-9’s, we couldn’t write this letter fast enough. Should you wish to discuss our experiences with Steve and his organization directly, you may reach me at Shawn@cassglobalsecurity.com.”